Shall provide for weekly worship and special worship events, in consultation with the Senior Pastor
oversee the musicians and musical teams participating in the planning and doing of worship
oversee the Assisting Ministers, Altar Guild, and Acolytes
Finance Committee
Shall oversee the financial matters of the congregation by providing counters, persons to record individual offerings, review income and expenses, and develop and present the annual budget.
Shall oversee the General Fund, Capital & Facilities Maintenance Fund, and Memorial Fund
Shall oversee the Endowment and Scholarship Fund in coordination with the Scholarship Committee
Property Committee
Shall oversee the use, maintenance, and improvement of building and grounds.
Administration Team
Shall include the Council, Staff and any communication teams, such as the Website Team, and AV Team, involved in the day-to-day running of the church, it’s ministries, and activities.
Youth Ministry Team
Shall have the overall responsibility of helping the youth of St. Olaf keep connected with their spiritual life within the church by assisting the Youth Director in the planning and carrying out of youth group activities, service opportunities, trips and events for the Jr. & Sr. High youth.
May also assist the Pastor/and or Youth Director in the planning of the Confirmation program.
This team shall also oversee the youth checking and savings accounts, and coordination of fundraising opportunities.
Adult Education Team
Shall plan, promote and coordinate opportunities for spiritual growth through education and small group ministry for the adults in the congregation as well as community members.
Stewardship Team
Shall lead and inspire members to give generously financially and personally for the work of Christ in the congregation and community.
Mission Coordination Team
Shall include the monthly review of the funds received, designated and undesignated, in the Mission Fund
Shall make annual recommendation to the Council regarding anticipated receipts and dispersals of the money in the Mission Fund.
Shall promote and support the various mission opportunities and programs through St. Olaf and the ELCA.
Shall provide guidance in selecting the recipients of funds provided through various fundraising activities under the auspices of St. Olaf Lutheran Church and its members.