Weekly Announcements
Announcements for January 25th/26th 2025- click here
Welcome Visitors
Welcome to all of our visitors. We are glad to have you worship with us! We invite you to stay for coffee and treats after the service and sign our guest book before you leave. Book is located on the podium in the gathering area.
- 8:30 am (Guys & Gals welcome).
- Meets at Main Street Cafe, 48 N. Main Street, Hartford (1st & 3rd Wednesday each month)
- Meets at Red Apple Cafe, 625 W. Sumner Street, Hartford (2nd & 4th Wednesday each month)
- Meets at Perc Place, 43 N. Main Street, Hartford (5th Wednesday each month)
- January 29th meeting at Perc Place, 43 N. Main Street, Hartford
- February 5th meeting at Main Street Cafe, 48 N. Main Street, Hartford
- February 12th meeting at Red Apple Cafe, 625 W. Sumner Street, Hartford
- February 19th meeting at Main Street Cafe, 48 N. Main Street, Hartford
- February 26th meeting at Red Apple Cafe, 625 W. Sumner Street, Hartford
We meet every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
See "Small Group" page for other small groups - click here
Maple Syrup Season -click here
Family Promise – Your help is always appreciated
– St. Olaf continues to partner with Family Promise to help homeless families in our extended community even though we have not had anyone actually staying at our church since January 2020. When the pandemic hit, Family Promise remodeled the Promise Center in West Best with donations and the work being done by volunteers from various churches to be able to host families at the Center. Churches provide monetary support along with meals and other supplies needed for the families during their designated weeks 4 or 5 times a year.
Please let Justine or Elaine know if you'd like to volunteer to make a meal or purchase needed supplies for Family Promise so we can coordinate taking the meals to West Bend to be distributed by the Family Promise staff.
St Olaf is scheduled to serve Family Promise again:
February 3rd through the 9th 2025
(Volunteers, please sign up on the poster at St Olaf or call Elaine #414-840-4629)
We do need many volunteers to help provide meals for people living at the Family Promise Center. The families eat separately and would like to have meals prepared for each individual family. Meals should be labeled with family A, B, C, D and include the ingredients on the label.
-click here for more information-
to A Child's Smile 2023
What's Up With The Steeple - click here for pictures
SOAR (St. Olaf Addicted Readers)
Join us in reading and then discussing some of our favorite books on the 2nd Thursday of each month at noon, members homes..
Date | Book Title | Author | Genre | Leader |
1/9/2025 | The Christmas Trail | David Baldacci | ||
2/13/2025 | The Women | Kristin Hannah | ||
3/13/2025 | The Berry Pickers | Amanda Piers | ||
4/10/2025 | To Heaven and back | Mary Neal | ||
5/8/2025 | My Antonia | Willa Cather | ||
6/12/2025 | The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey | ||
7/10/2025 | Contemporary Poem Anthologies, Favorite Poems | Various | ||
8/14/2025 | Old World Murder | Kathleen Ernst | ||
9/11/2025 | Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine | Gail Honeyman | ||
10/9/2025 | Horse | Geraldine Brooks | ||
11/13/2025 | Shelterwood | Lisa Wingate | ||
12/11/2025 | No Book, Christmas Party | |||
At least 70-1/2 or know someone who is ?
Click here for Charitable Donation idea
Lost and Found – Please check our lost and found closet for items you may have left behind (located in the first closet down the hallway towards the fellowship hall). Any items not picked up, by the end of May, will be donated.
Remember to Check Your Mailbox! Please try to check your mailbox (in the hallway next to the church office) every time you are at church.
If you do not have a mailbox, please let Shannon know. Thank You
Weekend Hospitality Teams
Weekend worship services are the primary opportunity for us to come together as a community and for visitors to experience how we express our hospitality and care to others. A big part of that is greeting people with a smile, assisting worship with ushering, ringing the bell or supplying flowers for the altar, and providing a time to gather in fellowship after worship with coffee and snacks. If you would like to help with making that happen, please consider signing up by going online to http://ss76.com:8172/ or on our website www.st-olaf.org, Ministries, Team Help.
In addition, if you would like to be an assisting minister - reading the lessons, prayers, and helping with communion - please talk to Pr. Tom or Jane Christenson for more information.
Would You Like to be a Member of St. Olaf Church?
If you are curious to hear more about the ministries and mission of St. Olaf’s and may consider membership contact Pastor Tom at 262-490-4057 or stolafpastor@gmail.com
St. Olaf's has been doing a metal scrap drive on a continuous basis.
Money collected has been and will continue to be applied to many church projects.
Everyone is urged to place metal items in dumpster located in the church parking lot.
The church council expresses its appreciation to Ron Egelseer, Jerry Feutz, Jim Lumsden, and others who either help with the project or have donated scrap metal. Since Ron organized the project in 2012, selling scrap metal has produced over $39,000 for St. Olaf's ministry. That's thinking outside the box for St. Olaf's.
Youth are still sponsoring “Elia” from Bolivia
The St. Olaf youth continue to sponsor Elia, a teenage girl from Bolivia, with the organization Food for the Hungry. Please remember to donate so we can send in our monthly commitment amount which helps to send her to school, have medical care, and other necessities. Mark your envelope “Elia” when giving your donation.
Donate your old eyeglasses & hearing aids
Seeing firsthand how valuable it is to recycle eyeglasses and give them to those in need, like we did in Swaziland, we want to make it known that we have a drop off container here at St. Olaf to collect donated eyeglasses and hearing aids that will be recycled. Larry Christopherson, a Lions' member here at church, will be responsible for getting the donated glasses to the proper Lions' facility where they are refurbished and marked with the prescription. Please bring your old glasses and hearing aids and place them in the Lions donation bucket located next to the food pantry donation basket in the entryway. Thanks for recycling and sharing!
Fellowship Hall Reservations
Please remember to contact the church secretary if you wish to use the fellowship hall. The calendar is on the website if you wish to check availability beforehand, but you must reserve it through the office. Reservation request form is under "Resources-Forms/Documents" above or click here. Thank You!!
Mt. Meru Coffee for sale - Mt Meru Coffee Project
Doing Justice never tasted so Good
St Olaf Scrip Program(Gift Cards)
click here for family order form
click here for short order form
Kiosk: Check the kiosk or "Community News" section on website for other events happening in the area.February 3rd