CLICK HERE to help at worship services as: “greeter”, “bell ringer”, “usher”, or to provide “flowers” or “snacks”.See the source image

A Child's Smile - 2022

Scrip cards, warm caps & mittens, and other donated presents will be given to local rural families in need so they can provide presents to their children who otherwise won’t experience the joy of Christmas. In 2023, with the help of teachers and counselors from 49 local schools, A Child's Smile helped create a more joyful Christmas for 1,461 children from 690 local families facing difficult times.  That's a smile on the faces of a lot of children.

-click here for additional information about where you can make a difference-

-news article-

Donate to this cause:



"Kyle Johnson is the son of Roger and Lyn Johnson. He and his wife, Christie, were married in St. Olaf's. They and their two children were vacationing in Maui when the wind and wildfires hit.

After trying unsuccessfully for a couple hours to find a way out of downtown Lahaina, they escaped being trapped in the inferno by a few minutes.

He tells of a Lahaina resident who was concerned about their welfare and helped them for several days following their narrow escape despite losing her house and everything she owned. She continues to do what she can to help others in Lahaina who lost everything.

It's a story of true caring and selflessness."



 Children's Cup- click here         Sponsor a Child - click here


Food & Community Ministries

St. Olaf has been generously supporting several ministries. The Ashippun Food Pantry is the oldest.  We also share with the All Peoples food distribution and garden (Plot Partners). And, have Soup-Bread ministry.

To help us sort things out for each ministry we have added some shelves on both sides in the area between the doors in the church entrance.

Here are some instructions to help.

(Note: If there are monetary donations please place them in the donation box with checks or envelopes marked for the ministry you desire to help.)


 Ashippun Bread Basket Food Pantry

Help fill the shopping cart for those less fortunate.

(Put donations on the shelves to the right side inside doors)

Donations needed

Canned Vegetables / Canned Fruits / Rice / Mac & Cheese / Ravioli / SpaghettiOs / Soups / Cake Mixes / Sugar / Cereal / Jell-O / Peanut Butter / Jelly / Canned Tuna / Canned Chicken / Pudding / Paper Products (no unmarked cans or outdated food can be used)


Soup-Bread Ministry

Soup and bread is prepared by a dedicated “Soup Troup” to be delivered.


All Peoples Pantry

This is a food distribution that replaces the meal that they provided.

Food is packaged in bags and handed out to individual families.

(Put donations on the shelves to the left side inside doors)

Donations needed:

Canned goods.  The items that go in every bag for people are:

Canned fruits and vegetables (fruits are always needed), Canned tuna and chicken. Boxed cereals or boxed pancake mix and syrup, Boxed mac and cheese or noodles and canned sauce, Other items are accepted and used when available – breakfast bars, other packaged individual items, etc.

(no unmarked cans or outdated food can be used)


Plot Partners

Those that have signed up for being a Plot Partner or anyone who has extra produce from their gardens can drop it off at church between the glass doors on the LEFT.  I suggest, to keep it fresh, they drop it off Tuesday or Wednesday morning.  Everything gets picked up about 11:30-12:00 Wednesday morning and delivered to All Peoples.

For any other details contact Steve Stretz.

-click here for flyer-

Family Promise – Your help is always appreciated

– St. Olaf continues to partner with Family Promise to help homeless families in our extended community even though we have not had anyone actually staying at our church since January 2020.  When the pandemic hit, Family Promise remodeled the Promise Center in West Best with donations and the work being done by volunteers from various churches to be able to host families at the Center.  Churches provide monetary support along with meals and other supplies needed for the families during their designated weeks 4 or 5 times a year.

Please let Justine or Elaine know if you'd like to volunteer to make a meal or purchase needed supplies for Family Promise so we can coordinate taking the meals to West Bend to be distributed by the Family Promise staff.


Come and help! No experience needed. "Many hands make light work."  A weekday morning to be announced, at 9:15 a.m., we'll make quilts. Many of our quilts are donated to Lutheran World Relief. LWR is a nonprofit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice, and human  suffering.  Our  quilts are made to provide warmth, but often find additional uses.  Need more encouragement? Questions? Call Elaine Monis 414-840-4629.


St. Olaf's has been doing a metal scrap drive on a continuous basis.

Money collected has been and will continue to be applied to many church projects.

Everyone is urged to place metal items in dumpster located in the church parking lot.   

HELP NEEDED FOR SUNDAY SERVICES We really need more members to participate in one or more of the 12 St. Olaf’s Steward Groups.  Each month, a different group of church members handle the Sunday service duties of greeting, ushering, bell ringing and serving of snacks and coffee.  Each group has a Head Steward who coordinates the handling of the above duties for each Sunday in their month.  We need help for any of the 12 months and especially September.  Please let me know if you and your family would like to participate in one or more of the groups.  If so, you will be contacted by the Head Steward for the month(s) you prefer.

VOLUNTEER MOBIL MEAL DRIVER NEEDED:  St. Olaf, along with the other Ashippun area churches, serves this community by delivery midday hot meals to shut-ins.  Shorehaven coordinates the program and provides the meals according the clients’ dietary needs.  We pick up the hot meal at Shorehaven in Oconomowoc and delivery it to our neighbors on Fridays.  There is an opening for an additional volunteer.  Please call Larry Christopherson or Elaine Monis if you could help out with this service. 

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