Donate to one of our funds by clicking on the appropriate button.
General Fund - St Olaf Specific
Youth Group
Mission Fund
Capital Improvements & Maintenance Fund
A "Child's Smile" Program
(for printout click here)
(For offering options click here)
St. Olaf's has three basic funds which are used as follows:
Facility Operating Expenses (Utilities, Phones, Internet, etc.)
Minor Building Maintenance
Payroll & Required Benefits
Youth Education
Youth Ministry
Other Committee Expenses
Music & Worship Expenses
Office & Misc. Expenses
Employee Expenses
Improvements to and major maintenance of the facility
Local, national, global missions & synod support
Offering envelopes have all three fund choices listed on the front.
If your offering; whether in an offering envelope, loose check, cash, or electronic is not designated, it will go into the General Fund.
If you wish you can designate special gifts (gifts that are over and above regular giving) to a specific fund, a split among the funds, or a specific mission, ministry, or project.
OTHER GIVING OPTIONS (over and above support of the above funds)
Memorial Fund
Education Endowment (Scholarship Fund)
Youth Group
Pastor's Good Samaritan Fund
Soup Ministry
A Child's Smile (2023 Report click here)
Vision Fund - Operation and Management of the St. Olaf Vision Fund - click here
Ashippun Food Pantry
Food for the Hungry / Elia Support
Outreach For Hope
All Peoples Church / Garden-Food Pantry Ministry
Other specific Programs & Projects
At least 70-1/2 or know someone who is ?