Tom Pietz
I’m Pastor Tom Pietz serving as “Missionary-at-Large” to spread the gospel.
A little history- both my wife Kris and I grew up in Golden Valley, MinnesOta (MPLS) attending the same Jr. High, High School, church and college (Luther in Decorah, IA) but she’s three years younger. So, we started dating her freshman year in college. Kris is a teacher (public school at first, at home now) and I studied Social Work and Religion in order to become a Christian counselor only later discovering my call as a pastor in the Boundary Waters (that’s a story!).
God has sent me all over the world to share the gospel. First, to Ecuador for 3 weeks with our high school church youth group. While at Luther, I toured with the Nordic Choir in Russia, Poland, and Hungary. First semester my senior year I studied in Cuernavaca, Mexico, along with Nicaragua and Honduras. Following college I served on a Lutheran Youth Encounter Team that traveled throughout the North and South America (Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru) for one year sharing Jesus through song, drama, puppets, and speaking in churches, schools, universities, prisons, city parks, and marketplaces.
I studied Youth and Family Ministry while completing a Masters of Divinity degree at Luther Seminary in 1995. We have served parishes in Owatonna and Blooming Prairie, Minnesota; Loveland, Colorado; Cedar Rapids and Decorah, Iowa, and now here since April 2010. In 2005, I completed a Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA.
Kris and I have 4 delightful children: Tim (24), Dan (22), Sam (18), and Sally (16). They love sports, music, camping, discussions about faith and life, playing games and cards and the Vikings!
I enjoy meeting with people face-to-face over coffee or lunch or side-by-side on a bike, playing golf, fishing, softball or whatever sport you prefer. Always enjoying the 19th hole conversation afterwards. And I really enjoy singing and playing guitar, especially with folks around the campfire.
If you’d ever like to connect, don’t hesitate to e-mail, text, call,
or inquire (262-490-4057 or pietztom1@gmail.com)

Kristin Thiel
Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator
My family and I have been members of St. Olaf since April 2024. I’m currently the executive director of the Mequon Nature Preserve with a 17 year and growing career of restoring degraded farmland and teaching the community about our beautiful natural world!
After a challenging time, my children and I turned St. Olaf church for healing; and we’ve received so much more! St. Olaf is more than a church, it’s a family who cares for and welcomes all.
The Sharing God's Love...Caring for Community mission of St. Olaf aligns with my personal beliefs and passion. My background includes a M.S. in Environmental Education and B.S. in Botany. Throughout my career I've taught children from age 4 until college and coached soccer too!
I have two amazing children, Gavin and Adia and a hobby farm with 4 sheep, 27 chickens and 2 dogs. I love all sports especially soccer, hiking, fishing, watching movies, attending concerts and festivals but most of all spending time with family and friends.

Scott Siegrist
High School Discipleship Leader
My family and I, followed my father-in-law to St. Olaf back in 2015. We immediately felt at home here. We love the small church, "family" feel. The hospitality is awesome. So many members active and willing to pitch in. The great Sunday School program also drew us into this church.
Soon after joining St. Olaf, I got involved teaching Sunday School. With a willingness to step in where needed, I also wear hats as assistant minister, church council member, editing our online services and most recently High School Discipleship Leader. I had always been kind of shy and not at all comfortable in front of a group. Oh, and not very capable at putting thoughts into words. It's amazing where the Spirit leads. One of my childhood ambitions was to be a school teacher, so in a way that is getting fulfilled. As for my other want to be an astronaut, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I work at Color Ink in Sussex as Prepress Manager/IT. Keeping a step ahead, we have a mix of new technology digital printing presses, laser cutters and other cutting edge finishing equipment, able to answer "yes" to most of our customer's requests. In addition to setting up customer files to run on these machines, I get to use my technical creativity in writing software to better meet customer requests and improve efficiency in the workflows within our shop.
I Live in Waukesha with my wife Debbie and teens Matt and Bailey. We enjoy live music, swimming and biking. Matt is our musical one and Bailey is into arts & crafts. Being the "geek" that I am, you are much more likely to find me watching a tutorial or documentary than any drama or comedy.

Kris Pietz
Sunday School Coordinator
Education has always been a part of my life. I have taught first grade for 3 years, substitute taught, volunteered in Sunday School, directed children's choirs at churches, directed homeschool co-ops and dramas, and try to find any way I can to spend time with the youngest people in our world. I have been homeschooling our four children (Tim, Dan, Sam, and Sally) for the last 20 years, but since our children are mostly grown up, I currently dedicate 2 mornings a week to teaching preschool (3 and 4 year olds) at Hartford Rec Center. If you want to laugh and be around some enthusiasm, find a young child! I also enjoy gardening, both flowers and vegetables, and spend a couple hours a week during the growing season at Rainbow's End Farm learning how to garden organically. Walking or hiking, tennis, and cross country skiing are also activities I enjoy. Playing games with our family and reading round out my list. Thank you for the opportunity to watch the children of St Olaf grow in their faith!
Shannon Lutz
Church Secretary
Hello, my name is Shannon. I have been the secretary at St. Olaf since 2011, at which time I was looking for a very part-time job that allowed me to still be actively involved in my children’s many activities. Lucky for me I found St. Olaf!
When I’m not at work you would most likely find me with my kids and husband. We would be at a school or sporting event, at the movies or just hanging out at home.
When not with them, you would find me working in my garden, relaxing on the deck watching the wildlife, doing something fun with friends or watching a movie (I love movies!)
You can get a hold of me at stolafsecretary@gmail.com

Kathy Johnston
Financial Secretary
Hi, my name is Kathy, and I have been working as St Olaf’s financial secretary since 2016. I live just “down the street” in the Town of Erin with my husband, Dave. Our three children, Tim, Katie and Sarah grew up with St Olaf as their church home, and have now established their own households.
When I am not at St Olaf I am often found at Community Memorial Hospital, where I work as a medical technologist, or working in the yard with Dave. My favorite hobbies are arts + crafts, playing musical instruments, and “experimenting” in the kitchen. Favorite activities are family gatherings, hiking, camping, playing cards, reading and learning new things.
I can be reached at stolaffinance@gmail.com if needed.

Clara Birkel
My name is Clara Birkel, and out of all of the current staff at St. Olaf, I am the one with the longest history. For as my position, I am the pianist/organist. I play for most of the worship services, work with the Sunday School, work with any special music, serve on the Music, Worship, Arts Committee, work with the Altar Guild for changing the paraments, decorate the church for special services/seasons, instruct new acolytes (hopefully, get back to this after the Pandemic), and work with the Pastor on the music for services.
My husband, George, and I built and moved into our home, which is three miles from St. Olaf in May 1969. In October 1969, George, our four-month-old son Todd, and myself became members of St. Olaf. Fast forward many years. We now have two children, Todd and Tiffany. Todd is married to Cindy, and they have three (3) children: Trent (age 21), Ariel (age 19) and Ethan (age 16). Todd was confirmed at St. Olaf and attends special services at St. Olaf. Ariel was also confirmed here. Tiffany is married to Jeff Brewer, and they have two (2) sons; Austin (age 23) and Zachary (age 20). Tiffany was baptized, confirmed, and married at St. Olaf. Jeff became a member when they were married in 1995. Both boys have been baptized and confirmed at St. Olaf and remain members.
I began playing as a substitute musician at St. Olaf in 1977. This led into becoming the only musician in 1980. From 1980-2000, I was the musician for all services which had grown to three services a week, worked with the choir, later handled special choirs, played for Sunday School, etc. There was a brief time, from 2000-2005, where I played for other churches. In 2005, I again became a substitute musician for St. Olaf. In 2008, I once again became the primary pianist/organist, and I’m still here (in 2022). I now have been joined by a Praise band, a Youth band, and Steve Stretz and Pastor Tom as guitarists.
As a retired paraprofessional from the Hartford Joint 1 School District, my free time is spent with many friends and my FANTASTIC family, along with my St. Olaf family. I like to read, walk, and bake. I’m also on the Board of the Richfield Historical Society where my family’s heritage lies. As a family, we like to attend old time tractor shows and thresherees. We also enjoy watching Austin, Trent, Zach, and Ethan play and/or coach baseball and basketball and Ariel perform in band and in dance recitals.
God bless you all!
Debbie Stephan - Custodian
Youth Ministry Team
Sunday School: Kris Pietz
Youth Group/High School: Scott Siegrist
Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator: Amy Hoffmann
Clara Birkel
Steve Stretz
Praise Band-Kathy Johnston, Dave Johnston, Tom Ziebell, Steve Monsen
Cathy Paquette (Saturday Night)
Worship Services
PowerPoint (Slides): Dave Johnston (stolafteam@gmail.com)
Videography (Recording): Scott Siegrist
Website Coordinator: Dave Johnston (stolafteam@gmail.com)