Worship Service
Saturday, March 21st & Sunday, March 22nd

To continue our ministry mission, we are still in need of your donations.
Not able to meet in person for our usual worship services, we have
a number of options available to accept your offering.


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Picture-St Olaf Steeple

Welcome to St. Olaf Lutheran Church

St. Olaf is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).  We are located about 30 miles northwest of Milwaukee and we’re part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, Lake Country Mission Cluster.  St. Olaf has about 150 people worshiping weekly in two services.  Baptized membership is about 300 with about 30% youth.  St. Olaf has a very active youth ministry and small groups.

The Latest News…

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Click here for message from Pastor Tom


March 16, 2020

Dear St. Olaf brothers and sisters in Christ,

Like I have told you before, I feel closer to you than my siblings out west in MinnesOta. Our church and the relationships and joy we receive in being together is vital for living life to the fullest.

We also realize that during these times we need to be wise and cautious on what we do together.

At this time (2:30pm Monday, 3/16/2020), the White House and the CDC says to avoid all groups of 10 or more.

Our usual Worship Services will be suspended until further notice. However, we are exploring options for multiple prayer services likely on Saturday & Sunday with sign-ups online to max at 8 participants. We will inform you on the details later this week.

We will create a recorded worship experience you will receive weekly and will explore other online options for St. Olaf to connect with one another for support, encouragement and spiritual edification.

Our Wine and Beer Tasting Event on March 28th has been CANCELLED.

Sunday School is CANCELLED through May. Confirmation/H.S. Class will not meet on Sundays. Alternative online meeting times for Confirmation/H.S. Class will be communicated this week.

For those who are struggling with fear and anxiety regarding this extremely unusual worldwide response to the Covid-19 virus, please reach out to me as your pastor so that I may provide for you a listening ear, prayer and hopefully some peace. Call me anytime at 262-490-4057.

Peace be with you, Pastor Tom

P.S. St. Olaf’s expenses remain the same. Your continued generous offerings can be dropped off; mailed to W653 Roosevelt Rd. Rubicon, WI 53078; via Simply Giving https://www.st-olaf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Form-Electronic-Giving-revised-10-8-2018.pdf ; via credit/debit https://www.st-olaf.org/donate/ ; or Give Plus app on iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.

2020 Lenten Journey Devotional – click here

St. Olaf Blood DriveMonday, April 13th 2:00-6:00

Link to schedule appointment http://bit.ly/stolafapr2020

Donate and receive a coupon for up to 4 FREE outdoor water park passes to Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park while supplies last.

9th  Annual Wine, Beer & Gourmet Soda Tasting Event

Saturday March 28th 2020 – Canceled

After having discussions with the Wine and Beer Team in attendance, it is with regret that we will cancel the upcoming event on Saturday, March 28th. Looking at the various options we had including postponing and deciding later in the week whether or not to hold it, it was decided to cancel and focus on next year’s event on March 27, 2021

Purchased tickets cost will be refunded.

2020 Ecumenical Lenten Services – Canceled


Prayer Request: stolafprayerteam1@gmail.com



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